HAY design bar stools
Discover our extensive collection of affordable design bar stools that perfectly complement any space at HAY.nl. Whether you're looking for a comfortable upholstered variant like the Soft Edge 91 for added seating comfort, a bar stool with a stainless steel base like the AAS 39, or a bar stool suitable for outdoor use like the Palissade bar stool, you'll find them all in our collection at HAY.nl.
Bar stools in different heights
The HAY bar stools are available in various designs and heights. For example, you can choose from a white, black, gray, or upholstered seat. A low bar stool typically has a seat height of around 65 cm, ideal for use at the kitchen island. The taller bar stools, with a seat height of approximately 75 cm, are perfect for a high dining table or bar. We also offer comfortable bar stools suitable for outdoor use. Combine these bar stools with a high outdoor table.